Hey hey! I won the "First Day of Snow in Ashburn, Virginia" Contest! I guessed the 13th and it snowed today, the 10th. It only snowed for 30 minutes around 10:00 AM, but it was enough to be official! Here are everyone else's guesses:
4 Mom
5 Bryan
6 Dad
13 David
16 Nathan
18 Alison
20 Lisa
22 Mark
28 Katie and Anna
I asked dad for a king-size 100 Grand. Oh man, those are my favorite of all time.
Also, for anyone interested, tomorrow I get my driver's license! That is, if I pass my driving test. I hope I won't crash and/or die.
Doubley also, for anyone interested, Stone Bridge High School is playing tomorrow at UVA for the state title! It's a pretty big deal. We're playing against Phoebus, who hasn't lost a game since 2007 (they lost to us). But we've won every single game this season, too. And we've beaten the other teams by a lot. So, it'll be a good game. I have feeling we're going to win this one. I don't think I can go, but it should be on TV.
Tripley also, I'm super duper excited for Christmas! It will super duper fun! And we'll all have a super duper time!